Philippe is the creator of Tokyo Wine Events GK
Philippe comes from Brittany, a historic province in the northwest of France, from which he inherited the taste for good things and good products.
As a student, Philippe gained experience in harvesting in Loire Valley, where he had the opportunity to meet others and learn the art of wine making.
Philippe worked in the Retail, Education, and Import-Export fields in 4 different countries ( France, Switzerland, UK and Japan ) before discovering the art of pairing food with wine.
23 years ago, he set up an organization called “Wine and Cooking” in Tokyo and opened his company in January 2016 (Tokyo Wine Events G.K.) to fulfill his passion.
Those combined experiences have enabled him to acquire a wealth of knowledge in order to be able to educate his customers, while providing good wines and great service.
Today, Philippe is passionate about worldwide wines and he wants to share it with you.
He is working on continuously improving the educational side of his wine events.
フィリップは、料理とワインの組み合わせの芸術を発見するまで、4 か国 (フランス、スイス、英国、日本) で小売、教育、輸出入の分野で働いていました。
現在、フィリップは 世界中のワインに情熱を注いでおり、その情熱を皆さんと共有したいと考えています。彼はワインイベントの教育面を継続的に改善することに取り組んでいます。